
Everything you need to know about CHAT GPT.

AI can be used in many ways. Chatgpt is an AI chatbot used for many things.

Chat Gpt is a chat bot, generated by artificial intelligence (AI). It was launched by openAI in november 2022. Chat Gpt refers to chat generative pre-trained transformer. This language model can react to questions asked and can frame various written content accepting articles, essays, various posts on social media, etc. Chat Gpt is basically a software,  which allows humans to ask questions and they get the response from it as likely they are talking with humans. It is a language model based software.

A chat bot is a program which generates and processes human conversation(accepting written or spoken), which allows humans to interconnect with digital devices as suppose they are talking with the same being i.e., as supposed not talking with AI but talking with humans. 


   Chat Gpt uses deep learning, which is a subdivision of artificial intelligence (AI), it helps to produce text like humans through transformer neural networks (a tale architecture which aims to solve tasks in particular succession while handling long range provision with low effort ). This transformer forecasts text–accepting the next word,sentence or paragraph–and it depends on its training data’s typical sequence.
                 The training begins with data collected, then it moves to more customised data for a specified task. This program has been trained with AI text to acquire knowledge of human language and then it is processed into transcripts which helps it to learn the basic skills of conversation
                 Conversations are lent by human instructors for giving grades against the responses. This ranking/grading helps to categorise the best answers. ‘Consumers give the best opinion about the product’, by following this universal concept the users are provided with a like button and a dislike button near the answers given by chatgpt. This concept had been issued by the developers to improve this chatbot.


 Business enterprises and users are already wondering and trying to maximise their benefits with the use of this chatbot. Following are some of them:-

a) Quick & accurate response : Chat Gpt analyses the question very quickly and gives the best suitable answers within a few seconds. It provides the most relevant answers in a meagre time.

b) Cost-effective: With the help of chat gpt or any other AI chatbot many enterprises are saving their cost by not hiring any extra associate.

c) Accurate content: With the help of this AI chatbot there is a very least chance of orthographic and grammatical errors, making the content more accurate.

d) continuous availability: Chat gpt provides assistance continuously and is present at any time for the users giving more comfortability.

e) Multilingual assistance: Chat gpt assists their users using their native languages and can communicate with different languages.

f) To educate and train: Chat gpt can also be used to provide explanations for complex topics and give right training methods for practising any skill.

g) To develop prototype or design: Chat gpt can be used for developing any unique design for the first time or any prototype. It can also re-create any design for the user according to the user’s will.h) Coding: Developers can use chat gpt to develop and learn coding-related tasks.


Being chat gpt a versatile chat bot. It is used by people in different ways. Some are discussed below:-

  1. For customer support: Many business enterprises are using chat gpt as a chatbot for their customer support systems for responding and to solve queries of their customers.
  2. Digital assistant: Chat gpt is used as an assistant for many virtual jobs like setting alarms, to answer questions, communicate in native languages and translating it.
  3. Creation of content: Many content creators and writers are using chat gpt to create or write their content in a very specific manner or it is used to make their content more unique or exclusive.
  4. Employee training: Employers use chat gpt to train their employees in a virtual manner. And it can also be used to learn any specific subject or anything on which the user has interest.
  5. Designing and prototyping: Designers are also using chat gpt for designing in a unique way or it can be said that chat gpt assists designers in prototyping.
  6. Solve maths problem: Students take help from this chatbot to solve their maths problem and it is widely being used by not only students but by many business enterprises as well.
  7. Composing music: It is also used to compose, create or re-create music or songs by musicians or songwriters.
  8. Medium of explanation: Lots of users take help of chat gpt as a medium of explanation of complex topics in simple words.
  9. Gaming in text manner: It’s an exciting way to play games. Chat gpt helps the users to play games in a specific manner, any game category which is selected by the user can be played but in texting manner.
  10. Ask trivia questions: Chat gpt assists in asking any trivia or any riddle questions, making it more interesting for the user.
  11. Many applications use chat gpt to do their work for language translation, designing, solving or raising riddles etc.


A wide and a variety of questions can be asked to this chatbot including simple,complex or riddles. Questions can be asked like “why leaves are green in colour” or “In which year julius cesar came to India”. Questions of personal matters can be asked like “How to impress your girlfriend”. Questions can be of not only history but also about current events like “who is the president of USA, currently”, but one point is to be noted that every data of chat gpt is according to the year 2021. It can assist the user with valuable advice on marital or financial affairs.


Though chat gpt is a versatile AI chatbot, it has many limitations which are set up by the developers for well-being. Some are as follows:-

  1. Being a chatbot, it may not understand sarcasm made by the user. It reacts to the input and processes information according to the input, it can’t respond to sarcasm or irony.
  2. The output given by chat gpt can be pretended like AI due to excess use of ‘the’,’and’. 
  3. Deficit of human like conversation.
  4. Data is only updated till 2021, so it does not consist of any event that happened after 2021.
  5. It cannot answer multiple questions with a single response. It is not divergent and cannot go to another question or answer them all with a single answer.
  6. Chat gpt can assist in coding related tasks but it cannot generate real-time code. It could only generate code which is synthesised during its training. 

[All users should be aware of all limitations or disadvantages of this chatbot for future queries. It also has guidelines set up by OPEN AI, in its official website.] 


Chat gpt (3.5) is officially free through the official website of OPEN AI. All users need to sign up or log in to use this chatbot. But chat gpt version 3.5 has many limitations set up by the developers. Users can upgrade chat gpt to version 4, it allows great exciting features and it has less limitations as compared to version 3.5. It can be upgraded with a subscription of $20 every month. Many business enterprises and users upgrade chat gpt to enjoy the features of version 4.


Here are 12 alternatives of chat gpt.

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Rahul Shaw

Rahul Shaw

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  1. Everything You Need To Know About Gemini (new version of Google bard). - Currently India

    January 27, 2024

    […] the competition to CHAT GPT,  google launched its own AI chat service, GOOGLE  BARD. It is a very successful large language […]

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