Food Health

Best Foods To sustain Cool Temperature In Your Body.

In India, Summer seasons are often termed as a tough season to spend.  In some parts of the country, the temperature rises more than 40 degree Celsius, which may lead to many health issues. At this temperature, mainly older people and kids suffer from heat strokes and dehydration, which could also result in serious health issues. Dehydration may cause a serious issue in health leading to weakness and heat stroke. So, in order to retain all the fluids, which are often lost because of sweat, it’s very important to maintain cool temperature and avoid the foods, which bring heat to the body. Drinking water is the best choice for avoiding Dehydration. Apart from water, here are the foods that should be consumed during summer to maintain a mild and cool temperature. 


One of the best beverages to consume during the summer season is coconut. Coconut’s natural taste quenches thirst like no other beverage can.This fruit contains minerals like potassium and sodium which are lost by the body during sweat.It helps to cool your body temperature and it is available all over India at cheap prices. 


As water is the best source to prevent dehydration, eating cucumbers is also a good choice as cucumbers are made up of 96% water. They contain less calories, which brings coolness in the body and eating cucumbers are also helpful to look your skin nice as it fights with tanning and inflammation. 


After cucumbers, watermelons contain the most percentage of water i.e., more than 90 %.  In the summer season, this fruit is widely consumed mainly because of its natural sweetness. It contains essential vitamins like Vitamin C, A  and minerals like Potassium and magnesium. 


Along with its beautiful taste, curd also is a very good cooling factor for the body. Curd contains calcium, potassium and magnesium as well. Curd can be consumed in various ways like:- Lassi, Raitas and many other options. 


Bananas help in gaining important electrolytes which the body loses mainly during sweat.  This fruit is a superb source of energy for continuing work on hot days. Moreover, it is easy to digest and also maintain your body temperature. 

Wanna know about the taste from Asian Regions. Read here

Rahul Shaw

Rahul Shaw

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  1. Best Foods For Bringing Natural Glow in Skin. -

    April 7, 2024

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