Food Health

Gourd drink prevents Dengue and boosts platelets.

Mosquito bites cause dangerous fevers like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. If they are not treated on time, they can even become fatal. WHO (World Health Organization) report says that 44% of patients die due to dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome.

Now once again dengue cases have started increasing. This year alone, 6 times more cases have been found in Delhi, but the danger is not only in the capital but people of every city of UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab are in danger. In such a situation, you should take some special precautions so that mosquito stings do not become fatal for you. Know from Swami Ramdev what should be eaten in dengue malaria and what food increases platelets.

When platelets start decreasing in the body of a dengue patient, the situation starts becoming dangerous. This lowers blood pressure and affects the brain. In such a situation, the victim may also become brain dead.

Try these to increase platelets in dengue

To increase platelets, drinking bottle gourd juice mixed with honey is beneficial. You can eat pomegranate and figs for breakfast. Apart from this, eating wheatgrass juice, aloe vera juice, Giloy juice, papaya leaf juice, kiwi and pumpkin seeds also increases platelets.

Effective remedies for dengue

In case of dengue, the victim should drink plenty of water. Drink one or two coconut water every day. Boil basil leaves and drink its water. Making juice of papaya leaves, and drinking it will be beneficial.

How to get rid of mosquitoes, do these natural remedies

Apply by mixing eucalyptus-neem oil 

Burn camphor in the room 

Burn frankincense at home.

How to avoid headache

Do not allow gas to form in the body

Control acidity

Take wheatgrass aloe vera

Balance Kapha in the body


10 grams coconut oil

02 grams clove oil

Mix coconut-clove oil

Relief from pain by applying it on the head

What to do to lower fever

Drink Giloy juice to reduce fever

Give pomegranate juice for vomiting

Rahul Shaw

Rahul Shaw

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