
The outbreak of Zika virus in India has increased people’s concern.

At the moment, Nepal is affected by a dengue outbreak, and the same mosquitoes that transmit the dengue virus – Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus – also spread the Zika virus.

The Zika virus causes microcephaly, in which newborns are born with an immature brain  and damaged brain. It is also linked to Guillain-Barré syndrome, a condition in which the immune system attacks the nerves, leading to muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.

The mosquitoes responsible for spreading dengue – Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus – also spread the Zika and chikungunya viruses, making it clear that these vectors are widespread throughout the country. Last week, 3 cases of Zika virus were reported in the Indian state of Maharashtra. 

It is clear that very soon India could also get affected by this virus. So, now the question arises,

How to identify this virus ? / What are symptoms of Zika Virus ?

Here are the key symptoms of this virus :

  • High fever :- In this virus, normal body temperature rises from 98.6 degree F to above 100 degree F resulting in high fever. 
  • Joint pain :- One of the most notable symptoms of this disease is that joint pain starts in hands and feet. 
  • Rash:- Patients suffering from this disease will have starting rashes in the face and it can also spread to trunks and limbs. 
  • Headache:- Headache starts over the eyes or at the base of the skull, which includes sensitivity to Light, Sound or high noise. 
  • Conjunctivitis :- commonly known as ‘pink eyes’, which includes redness of the eyes and itching of the eyes.
  • Weakness :- When the Zika virus attacks our body our immune system tries to fight with it which results in muscle pain or feeling weak and lack of energy.
  •  Vomiting :- Due to dehydration and weakness of the body, occasional vomiting is also seen. 
  • Abdominal pain :- It’s not very common but a sharp pain could also be noted in the abdomen area. 

The above are the main symptoms, which could result due to Zika virus. One thing is to be noted that, if you are suffering from these symptoms, it doesn’t assure that you are having this virus. These symptoms can be because of any other disease as well. 

How to prevent this virus ?/ Safety measures against this virus.

Most importantly, you should use a mosquito net in your house or mosquito repellent. Try to wear long-sleeved clothes to prevent mosquito bites. As this is also a water-borne disease, Do not keep water in open containers or try to renew water in closed containers as well. Use Air Conditioner in your house, office and other places. 

It has a huge impact on the birth of childs, so pregnant womens should avoid using public toilets or going outside to stay safe. The woman suffering from this virus will have an underdeveloped brain of a child or have a small brain. They should be restricted from going to a Zika Virus outbreak area. 

It is also very important to take safety measures while having sexual intercourse. Even if you are not suffering from any of these symptoms, ensure to wear a condom or refrain from anal, oral or vaginal intercourse at least till three months after coming from a tour or location. 

Make sure to test for Zika virus :- RT-PCR & PCR. 

Know more about Zika Virus 

According to the UN health agency, the Zika virus was first identified in monkeys in Uganda in 1947. It was later found in humans as well. Its most severe outbreak was seen in Brazil in 2015 and it has since spread to 24 other countries. The WHO declared the Zika outbreak an international health emergency in 2016. Meanwhile, this year Nepal has reported 1268 cases till now. This report has been derived from 72 districts while the most reports came from the capital of this country, Kathmandu, which was 141.  The worst part is that, Health experts say the reported cases are likely just the tip of the iceberg, as about 80 percent of infected people are asymptomatic.

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Rahul Shaw

Rahul Shaw

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    […] The outbreak of Zika virus in India has… […]

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