
How many steps should people walk every day?

To maintain good health, most adults should strive to walk 10,000 steps daily, and walking fewer than 5,000 steps indicates a sedentary lifestyle. However, the number of steps a person walks each day depends on his or her age, current physical condition, and health objectives.  

In this article, we’ll try to find out how many steps people should walk every day for : 

  • General health 
  • Losing weight
  • Maintaining physical strength

We explain how to increase your daily step count, keeping in mind the needs of different age groups and genders.

How many steps should one take per day for general health?

Walking is a moderate-intensity, low-impact exercise that offers many health benefits and few risks. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that most adults should try to walk 10,000 steps each day. This is considered to be equivalent to about 8 kilometres or 5 miles for most people. 

The average number of steps people walk each day in the United States is 3,000–4,000 steps. Which almost equals 1.5-2 miles. Since doctors typically consider sedentary work to mean less than 5,000 steps per day, it’s clear that many people in the U.S. aren’t walking as many steps as they need to benefit their health.  

According to the Arthritis Foundation, walking can have the following benefits:

  • muscle strength
  • range of motion
  • mood and sleep
  • breathing
  • Balance 
  • joint stiffness 
  • blood flow
  • flexibility

Walking may also have benefits in improving or preventing certain health problems, such as obesity, osteoporosis, and age-related memory loss. 

The benefits of walking appear to increase with step count. A 2020 study found that participants who walked 8,000 steps per day had a 51% lower risk of dying from any cause, while those who walked 4,000 steps per day. 

This trend continues with an increasing number of steps, as one study showed that participants who walked 12,000 steps per day had a 65% lower risk of dying than those who walked 4,000 steps per day.

This study makes it clear that the benefits of walking increase with the number of steps taken, but even people who cannot walk 10,000 steps a day can still benefit from this activity.

How many steps should one take per day for losing weight ? 

The number of steps needed to lose weight can vary depending on a person’s current weight, food intake, and target weight. For many people, 10,000 steps is a good goal, who wants to lose weight. 

One study found that people who performed high-intensity exercise had a greater rate of weight loss, especially those who ate mindfully.

One study found that increasing exercise intensity, such as 10,000 steps per day and moderate to vigorous activity, may be effective for weight loss in people with obesity.

Participants were able to maintain weight loss for up to 18 months when they continued to incorporate this level of activity into their lives on a regular basis.

The people included in the study were from different ethnic groups, with the majority being women. However, the researchers say further clinical trials are necessary to validate these results.

How many steps should one take per day for improving fitness or physical strength ?

If a person needs to improve his or her strength, flexibility or endurance, he or she may benefit from walking in different forms.

As an example, walking up a hill activates three times more muscle fibres than walking on a flat surface. Therefore, people who walk up a hill as many as 10,000 steps per day may reap greater benefits. 

There are various other ways besides walking to gain cardiovascular benefits and increase muscle strength. 

  • Stair climbing
  • Sitting using a stool up and down.
  • To keep moving fast without stopping for long periods of time.
  • By paying special attention to objects located at a distance, you can increase your walking speed by 23%.
  • Nordic walking incorporates the use of poles for upper and lower body exercises.

Rupa Shaw

Rupa Shaw

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