Food Health

Best Foods For Bringing Natural Glow in Skin.

Skin acts as a barrier or protector for our inner organs against external agents like U.V rays, bacteria and other viruses. Our skin consists of sensation receptors, which allows the human body to sense and feel. As being so important, it is very essential to maintain hygiene and take proper-measures to protect our skin.

Most people use other external agents to protect their skin like moisturizer, sun-cream and many others, but the best way to take-care of skin is by consuming a good amount of water, as our body is made 60% of water. Other than consuming water, people should eat healthy foods and maintain a healthy diet and do exercises. Especially, during the summer season it is very important to take care of your skin because of the U.V rays emitted by the Sun. 

Here are some best foods to eat for maintaining healthy and natural glow in your skin. 


Other than its delicious taste, Strawberries provide many benefits towards skin. Strawberries consist of vitamin C and many antioxidants, these antioxidants can get rid of pre-aged wrinkles in skin. The vitamin C helps in reduction of dark pigmentation in skin.Strawberries also hydrate the skin as it is made 90% of water. 

Salmon Fish

Salmon is widely prescribed by doctors for numerous health benefits, one of the benefits is about the good impact on skin. This is highly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these acids are very useful for retention of moisture in skin. The fish is not only useful for glowing skin but also for it helps to heal wounds quickly. 


A delicious way to hydrate and take-care of your skin is to eat watermelon. Watermelon  contains phytochemicals which act as an inflammatory property and thus it helps skin to glow. This fruit hydrates the body as it is made 92 % of water . The vitamins and minerals help to regenerate the dead cells present in skin. 


Consumption of Tomatoes on a regular basis can also help to have a good- glowing skin. Vitamin C is present in abundance in tomatoes, which helps collagen synthesis . Collagen is a protein which helps in the structure and smoothness of the skin. Water is also present in tomatoes which helps in hydration of body and skin. The proteins present in tomatoes also help in prevention of damage due to U.V rays.


Avocado is filled with acids and fats which nourishes the skin. This fruit is a good source of Vitamin E and C and it also helps in Collagen synthesis. This fruit contains antioxidants which reduces inflammation and thus helps to maintain glowing skin. 

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Rahul Shaw

Rahul Shaw

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  1. Importance and Healthy Benefits of Fasting. - CurrentlyIndia

    April 8, 2024

    […] Best Foods For Bringing Natural Glow in Skin. […]

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