
Everything You Need To Know About Gemini (new version of Google bard).

Everything you need to know Gemini.

In the competition to CHAT GPT,  google launched its own AI chat service, GOOGLE  BARD. It is a very successful large language model. Google bard was launched in successive periods:

  • Firstly, on 21 march,2023 (early access within the USA and UK ), the users were asked to join the waitlist.
  • 10 May,2023 it was officially launched in a wider sense.
  • In India, it was launched on 8 august,2023.
  • On 26 October,2023, this chat service was launched in western countries like: Spain, Germany, Italy, France.

Due to the huge success of Chat gpt, google launched its own AI chatbot, GOOGLE BARD. Here are the following things you need to know about this chatbot. On Feburary, 8 2024 Google renamed Bard as GEMINI.


Google bard is a chatbot or a chat service, which is under development, provided officially by Google. It was officially announced by Sundar Pichai during the annual Google I/O keynote. It is an experiment to explore unique ideas and explain things simply. It optimises the question and generates text or images. Recently, Google bard was renamed as GEMINI.


Google Bard / Gemini is a language based chatbot. It has a variety of uses. Mainly individuals and business entities are enjoying this service. Some of the uses are as follow:

  1. Unique and creative content:- Many users are using this language model to create unique content of poems, stories, scripts and many others or they take ideas from this model according to their need.,
  2. Quick responses:- This chatbot has been developed by the developers in a way that it can give responses within a few seconds.
  3. Accurate:- It is developed by google, and this AI searches across every website in google, thus it is accurate. There is no compromisation in accuracy and quick responses.
  4. Coding:- Users can use this chatbot in coding related tasks. It can be used to generate coding snippets and to debug codes as well.
  5. Communication:- Gemini can be used for communicating. It can write emails or letters. It can be used for translating languages. It currently comprises 40 languages, giving a wide variety to its users.
  6. Virtual assistant:- Gemini can be used as a virtual assistant  by its users. It can be used for setting up alarms, putting reminders at intervals, giving good marital or financial or personal advice.
  7.  Explanation:- Users use this AI for summarising or understanding complex topics. Students mainly use this service for solving complex equations and to get explained for any complex topic.
  8. For fun:- users can also have fun or enjoy by playing games or asking riddles from this language model. Games can be played in text, which is a very exciting concept.


Gemini acts just like a super-powered and extraordinary human. Which have great language learning skills. Its superpower is to respond to countless conversations, give advice and is able to create unique content. Instead of the brain it uses large amounts of data which is processed into it. It can also be said that it is like a masterchef, who uses lots of ingredients to make its own recipe according to the will of the user. Data is referred to as ingredients in the Gemini’s recipe.

1) Repeated learning: The more conversation will be done with this AI, it will become better at responding and also new data can be learned. The new data will act as a new ingredient in the Gemini’s recipe .

2) Response: As a user asks any question to this chatbot, it searches through every secured website or the data stored, to give very relevant answers.

3) LLM: Gemini uses a large language model,paLM 2, to become more efficient and quicker at response.

4) To every response given by Gemini, there is a like or thumbs up \and dislike or thumbs down button, to know if the responses are good enough.


Gemini is a versatile language model, where users can ask a variety of questions. Some  are discussed below:-

  1. Creating content:- Users can ask Gemini to create any unique content of articles, poems or songs. This AI is used in many enterprises mainly for making poems and songs.
  2. Solve maths problem:- Mainly students use this AI to solve difficult maths equations and algorithms.
  3. Riddles or tricky questions:- For fun, users can ask answers or questions of riddles. This chatbot is programmed in a way that it can ask tricky questions as well.
  4.  Current affairs:- users can also ask current affairs across the globe to this language model. Like-  who won the football match yesterday? , what is the live score ? and etc.
  5. Ask jokes:- jokes can also be asked from this AI.
  6. Imaginative:- users can ask imaginative questions as well to this AI model. Like- what if monkeys can live under the water?
  7. Users can also upload any picture or photo and ask questions relating to the photo. For example, if the user uploads a picture of any dog, this AI can answer which breed it is? And also many related questions 

Gemini also uses pictures to respond which give a very unique way. This language model  is used to communicate with the users.


Like every LLMs(large language model), Gemini has also some limitations, which the users should be aware of:-

  1. Gemini is trained with massive and immense data, but it cannot interact with the world physically by not having any physical presence.
  2. Gemini may find difficulties to answer questions relating to common sense.
  3. It’s difficult for this LLM to understand real-life problems.
  4. If the data of this LLM is not updated, it may find some difficulties accessing current events.
  5.  This LLM collects and processes data from users, that may raise problems of privacy , the user should be aware of how his data is being data.
  6. This LLM will find difficulties to answer multiple topic questions at a time.
  7. Gemini processed data can also be biassed


Gemini is mainly used for research and factual information while chat gpt is focused on generating text-formats like letters,poems etc. Chat gpt provides information through the data inserted by the developers or through the training by developers. Gemini provides data by both the data inserted and by searching across the web. As Gemini is developed by google, so it is more trusted than chat gpt. One of the major difference to be noted is that Gemini is able to answer about the current events while chat gpt is only able to answer events that happened till 2021. Gemini is also very quick with responses as compared to Chat Gpt.

Both have some merits and demerits with them. 

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Rahul Shaw

Rahul Shaw

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    February 10, 2024


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