Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of consists of how we collect and use the data collected. Our team is committed to ensure your privacy and safety of the personal information you provide. By visiting and using you are agreeing to the terms and policies, which are described below:

Collected information

Personal information of user can be collected when the user visit, which can vary in the following

  1. NAME:  we may collect the user’s name which is provided by the user while visiting this website. This information is given by the user mainly when they comment or log in .
  2. EMAIL ADDRESS:  we may collect your email address while you log in or subscribe to
  3. IP ADDRESS: This collection of data is important for security purposes. It comprises about your location and others.
  4. COOKIES: we use cookies which you accept while visiting this website. We use it to enhance your browsing experience

Use of collected information 

The information collected is used in the following ways:-

  1. For providing better service to you.
  2. For communicating with users, giving responses and also assisting users with customer support.
  3. For sending updates or notifications, if you have subscribed to
  4. For the improvement of content.
  5. For security reasons, to avoid spam and comply with legal obligations.

Data sharing and data retention

We don’t sell or trade or transfer the information collected. But, sometimes trusted third party apps can assist you on behalf of a special task by the information provided by us. We may also disclose the personal information for any legal formality. Other than this, we are obliged to keep your personal information confidential.

We retain your personal information only for the time necessary or the necessity has been increased due legal formality. 


We will take all the necessary and reasonable measures to protect your data but no 100% assurance can be given because of the transmission of spam over the internet

User’s rights

Users have full right to edit and delete their personal information. They also have the right to unsubscribe us and are allowed to comment as well.


If you want to contact us. You can get in touch with us through