Write For Us

Welcome to our website. We are looking for experienced and new writers, we will feel glad to work with You.

Categories Of Articles

  1. Health
  2. Business
  3. Entertainment
  4. Food
  5. Sports
  6. Technology
  7. Indian Religious

The above are the categories of articles we accept. Newcomers are requested to write articles on the above categories.

Guest Post Requirements

  • The content should be written at least 400 words without any grammatical mistakes.
  • The article should be unique i.e., Not published anywhere else.
  • The title should be charming and less than 80 characters.
  • Newcomers are asked to attach reference links to the article accepting internal and external links.
  • At least 2 external links should be present to other blogs.
  • A high-quality image should be present in the blog. (pixel size should be 1200*630)
  •  Submit your blog in Microsoft Word format, not in a pdf file.
  • ‘Guest content’ should be mentioned with the author’s bio in the article.

How Much Time Do You Have To Write For Us Regularly?

It’s totally up to you how much time you want to spend but writing at least 2 blogs regularly is compulsory. The blog can be of any category, it depends on the author. But topics that are already covered on our blog cannot be accepted. Writers need to check our site before writing to ensure they do not write on the same topic. 

Wright for us or guest post. This image is from flickr.com

If you have requests about sponsored posts and product reviews, our email ID is there to help you  info@currentlyindia.com  or you can write a guest post directly once you register and log in to our website, we will verify and approve your guest post as soon as possible.

Ways To Submit Your Blog To Us

Submit your post to us through this link https://www.currentlyindia.com/guest-post/

We will try to review your post soon.

How To Find Guest Posting Sites

Use these keywords to search for sites to post your guest blogs.

Write for us ‘entertainment’

Write for us ‘sports’

Write for us ‘technology’

Write for us ‘health’

Write for us ‘Bollywood’

Write for us ‘Hollywood’

Write for us ‘Tollywood’

Here is the complete list with “write for us” included at the beginning of each keyword:


  1. Write for us Healthy living
  2. Write for us Mental health
  3. Write for us Fitness Tips
  4. Write for us Nutrition advice
  5. Write for us Weight loss
  6. Write for us Disease Prevention
  7. Write for us Wellness trends
  8. Write for us Home remedies
  9. Write for us Yoga benefits
  10. Write for us Medical breakthroughs


  1. Write for us Startup advice
  2. Write for us Business growth strategies
  3. Write for us Financial planning
  4. Write for us Investment Tips
  5. Write for us Market trends
  6. Write for us Leadership skills
  7. Write for us Entrepreneurial success
  8. Write for us Business networking
  9. Write for us E-commerce trends
  10. Write for us Corporate social responsibility


  1. Write for us Celebrity news
  2. Write for us Movie reviews
  3. Write for us TV show updates
  4. Write for us Music trends
  5. Write for us Upcoming concerts
  6. Write for us Award shows
  7. Write for us Entertainment gossip
  8. Write for us Streaming services
  9. Write for us Book recommendations
  10. Write for us Video game releases


  1. Write for us Healthy recipes
  2. Write for us Cooking tips
  3. Write for us Restaurant reviews
  4. Write for us Food trends
  5. Write for us Vegan recipes
  6. Write for us Quick meals
  7. Write for us Baking tips
  8. Write for us International cuisine
  9. Write for us Food festivals
  10. Write for us Nutritional information


  1. Write for us Match highlights
  2. Write for us Player profiles
  3. Write for us Sports events
  4. Write for us Fitness training
  5. Write for us Team updates
  6. Write for us Sports injuries
  7. Write for us Fantasy sports tips
  8. Write for us Major tournaments
  9. Write for us Sports technology
  10. Write for us Historical sports moments


  1. Write for us Tech news
  2. Write for us Gadget reviews
  3. Write for us Software updates
  4. Write for us Cybersecurity tips
  5. Write for us AI advancements
  6. Write for us Blockchain technology
  7. Write for us Tech startups
  8. Write for us Digital transformation
  9. Write for us Mobile apps
  10. Write for us Tech tutorials

Indian Religious

  1. Write for us Hindu festivals
  2. Write for us Spiritual teachings
  3. Write for us Religious rituals
  4. Write for us Temple visits
  5. Write for us Yoga and meditation
  6. Write for us Religious holidays
  7. Write for us Mythological stories
  8. Write for us Pilgrimage sites
  9. Write for us Vedic scriptures
  10. Write for us Cultural practices